Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top 10 keyboard shortcuts keys for windows PC

By Emuobo Okeme

In this article I am going to show you the top 10 keyboard shortcut keys for your windows PC. Note when you have 2 keys, you have to press the first key down without removing your hand and then press the second key while your hand is still on the first key. The following are the top 10 keyboard shortcuts for windows PC:

1.     ALT + F4: Use these keys to close any program.
2.     SHIFT + DELETE: Use these keys to delete any object or item permanently.
3.     F1: Press this key when you need help on any windows issue.
4.     CTRL + ESC: Use these keys to open the start menu.
5.     ALT + TAB: Use these keys to switch between running programs.
6.     CTRL + SHIFT + ESC: Use these keys to open the windows task manager.
7.     CTRL + A: Use these keys to select all the items in the current window.
8.     Windows Key + E: Use these keys to open the File Explorer.
9.     Windows Key + I: Use these keys to open settings.
10.  CTRL + Z: Use these keys to undo the last operation.

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