Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Windows 10: Top keyboard shortcuts

By Emuobo Okeme

Windows 10 is the newest operating system from Microsoft and today we are going to be learning the top keyboard shortcuts that will help you navigate your computer with ease and save you lots of time.

Windows: When you press the windows key, it shows you the Windows 10 start menu.
Windows + Tab: This helps you to launch the Windows 10 task view.
Windows + I: This opens the Windows 10 settings.
Windows + A: This opens the Windows 10 notifications which is also called the action center.
Windows + L: This locks your Windows device.
Windows + H: This helps you share the contents of your screen.
Windows + K: This helps you to connect to wireless displays and audio devices.
Windows + X: This opens the Windows 10 start button context menu.
Windows + D: This shows the Windows desktop if you are on any program or app.
Windows + E: This opens the Windows explorer.
Windows + R: This opens the "Run" dialog box.
Windows + P: This helps you project a screen to a projector or second monitor.
Alt + Tab: This helps you switch between open open windows.
Alt + F4: This helps you to close the current window but if you are on your windows desktop, it                          helps you to open the "Shut Down Windows" dialog box from where you can either                              shutdown, restart, hibernate or put your system on sleep.
Windows + L: This helps you launch Cortana.
Windows + M: This minimizes all open windows.
Windows + Shift + M: This restores minimized windows.

These are the top keyboard shortcuts for Windows 10. You can get a list of the Microsoft Word shortcuts everyone should know by clicking here. This list will be updated constantly so watch this page. Please live a comment if there is any adjustment you think we should make.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Shortcut keys every Windows and Microsoft Word user must know

By Emuobo Okeme

Today I am going to show you how to use keyboard shortcuts in Microsoft Word. Some of you might be wondering why it is necessary to use shortcuts when you have the mouse, the truth is that your work will be done faster and you will save a lot of time by using keyboard shortcuts. Here is a list of the most commonly used and needed keyboard shortcuts.

Open: Press Ctrl + O
Save: Press Ctrl + S
Close: Press Ctrl + W
Cut: Press Ctrl + X
Copy: Press Ctrl + C
Paste: Press Ctrl + V
Select All: Press Ctrl + A
Select some words or part of a sentence: Press Shift + Arrow Keys
Bold: Press Ctrl + B
Italic: Press Ctrl + I
Underline: Press Ctrl + U
Cancel: Press ESC
Undo: Press Ctrl + Z
Redo: Press Ctrl + Y
Center Text: Press Ctrl + E
Justify Text: Press Ctrl + J
Left Align Text: Press Ctrl + L
Right Align Text: Press Ctrl + R
Decrease Font Size by 1 point: Press Ctrl + [
Increase Font Size by 1 point: Press Ctrl + ]
Subscript: Press Ctrl + =
Superscript: Press Ctrl + Shift + =
Print: Press Ctrl + P
Print Preview: Alt+ Ctrl + I

You can learn the top 10 shortcuts for windows PC here and you can follow us on twitter to get updates of fresh articles on our Computer Tips Page.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Most Popular Social Networking Websites

By Emuobo Okeme

I guess we all know what social networking means, but for those who don't know. A social networking service is an online service, platform, or site that focuses on facilitating the building of social networks or social relations among people who, for example, share interests, activities, backgrounds, or real-life connections. A social network service consists of a representation of each user (often a profile), his/her social links, and a variety of additional services.
The following are of the most popular social networking websites. This ranking is given based on their Alexa ranking as at 23 September, 2016.

1. Youtube: Youtube is number 2 website on the Alexa ranking and it was founded in February 2005 by 3 former PayPal employees and was bought by Google in November 2006. There are over 1 billion visitors to Youtube monthly and you can enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content and share them with the world.

2. Facebook: Facebook is number 3 website on the Alexa ranking and it was founded in February 2004 by Mark Zukerberg. There are over 1.7 billion visitors to Facebook monthly. It is a social media and social networking service where you can connect with friends, family, colleagues and other people you know.

3. Twitter: Twitter is number 10 website on the Alexa ranking and it is an online social networking service that enables users to send and read short 140 character messages called "tweets". It was founded in March 2006 by Jack Dorsey and Biz Stone and there are over 1 billion visitors to Twitter monthly.

4. Instagram: Instagram is number 15 website on the Alexa ranking and there are over 500 million visitors to Instagram monthly. It was founded by Kevin Systrom and Mike Krieger in October 2010 as an online mobile photo-sharing, video-sharing and social networking service that enables its users to take pictures and videos and share them either publicly or privately.

5. LinkedIn: Instagram is number 17 website on the Alexa ranking. There are over 100 million visitors to LinkedIn monthly.

6. Reddit: Reddit is number 27 website on the Alexa ranking. There are over 200 million visitors to Reddit monthly.

7. Pinterest: Pinterest is number 41 website on the Alexa ranking. There are over 100 million visitors to Pinterest monthly.

8. Tumblr: Tumblr is number 44 website on the Alexa ranking. There are over 100 million visitors to Tumblr monthly.

9. Google+: There are over 100 million visitors to Google+ monthly.

10. Flickr: Flickr is number 221 website on the Alexa ranking. There are over 100 million visitors to Flickr monthly.

You can comment if you think there are other popular social networking websites that should be here or you can follow us on twitter to get updates of fresh content on this blog.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Top 10 keyboard shortcuts keys for windows PC

By Emuobo Okeme

In this article I am going to show you the top 10 keyboard shortcut keys for your windows PC. Note when you have 2 keys, you have to press the first key down without removing your hand and then press the second key while your hand is still on the first key. The following are the top 10 keyboard shortcuts for windows PC:

1.     ALT + F4: Use these keys to close any program.
2.     SHIFT + DELETE: Use these keys to delete any object or item permanently.
3.     F1: Press this key when you need help on any windows issue.
4.     CTRL + ESC: Use these keys to open the start menu.
5.     ALT + TAB: Use these keys to switch between running programs.
6.     CTRL + SHIFT + ESC: Use these keys to open the windows task manager.
7.     CTRL + A: Use these keys to select all the items in the current window.
8.     Windows Key + E: Use these keys to open the File Explorer.
9.     Windows Key + I: Use these keys to open settings.
10.  CTRL + Z: Use these keys to undo the last operation.

Friday, December 7, 2012

Trending Computer Topics you need to know. Part 1

By Emuobo Okeme

Computers and the Internet is taking over our lives and everything we do. There computer and tech topics all over the internet that you need to know or soon you will be lost. The following are some computer and internet topics that are trending.

1. Cloud Computing: This is the use of computing resources (hardware and software) that are delivered as a service over a network (typically the Internet). In simple terms, every thing you have been doing on your computer (e.g. word processing, data storage etc.) will now be done on the internet. Instead of installing a suite of software for each computer, you'd only have to load one application. That application would allow you to log into a Web-based service which hosts all the programs that you would need for your job. Remote machines owned by another company would run everything from e-mail to word processing to complex data analysis programs.

2. Apps: This is another computer term that is trending seriously. An App is an abbreviation for application (
which is another name for a computer program). It is a piece of computer software designed to help the user to perform specific tasks. It can run on the Internet, on your computer, or on your phone or other electronic device. These days when people talk about apps 90% of them are actually talking about programs that run on mobile devices especially iPad, iPhone, and android devices.

3.Tweet: This is to post a writing on Twitter (online social networking service and micro blogging service). It is a very short message posted on the Twitter Web site: the message may include text, keywords, mentions of specific users, links to Web sites, and links to images or videos on a Web site.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Computer Safety and Maintenace Tips

By Emuobo Okeme

       In other to keep your computer safe and ensure that it lasts as long as you want, there are some tips you need to know. Note that some of these tips can be carried out by you while others you may need someone to help you with them. The following are the most popular computer safety and maintenance tips.
1. Never turn off your computer with the power switch until windows has shut down.
2. Purchase a UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) and connect your computer to it.
3. Always backup your computer, especially when you have documents you can’t afford to lose.
4. Run, scan disk and defragment at least once a month.
5. Never unplug peripherals from the computer when it is powered up.
6. Install an anti-virus on your computer.
7. Uninstall programs that you are not using.
8. Clean your computer components with vacuum cleaner and a rag.
9. Empty your recycle bin.
10. Keep your computer in an airy environment away from heat.
11. Keep your PC in a smoke-free environment.
12. Shut your computer down when it is not in use.
13. Don’t download files you don’t know or from sources you are not sure of.
14. Do not unplug peripherals while they are powered up. Doing so may damage your motherboard.
         If you adhere to the above tips your computer will need less or no repairs and last long.
If you have any topic you will love to get a tip on please drop a comment with the topic.